Alice owns a company that transports tour groups between two islands. She has n trips booked, and each trip has pi passengers. Alice has m boats for transporting people, and each boat's maximum capacity is c passengers.
Given the number of passengers going on each trip, determine whether or not Alice can perform all n trips using no more than m boats per individual trip. If this is possible, print Yes; otherwise, print No.
Input Format
The first line contains three space-separated integers describing the respective values of n (number of trips), c (boat capacity), and m (total number of boats). The second line contains n space-separated integers describing the values of p0, p1, p2... pn-1
1 <= n,c,m <= 100 1 <= pi <= 100
Output Format
Print Yes if Alice can perform all n booked trips using no more than m boats per trip; otherwise, print No.
Sample Input 0
5 2 2
1 2 1 4 3
Sample Output 0
Explanation 0
Sample Input 1
5 1 2
1 2 1 4 1
Sample Output 1
Explanation 1
Source Code:
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int n,m,c,flag=0;
int p[n];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
{ cout<<"No";
else if(p[i]<=m*c)
{ flag++;}
return 0;
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