Bug and Secret Santa Hackerrank Answer

Bug's friends play Secret Santa. He has n friends. Lets number them from 1 to n. For each friend i he knows pi, the person that i gave a gift to. Bug needs to find out ri for each friend i, which is the person that i received a gift from.

Input Format

First line contains one number n. Second line contains n space separated integers.


1 <= n <= 100

Output Format

Print n space-separated integers: the i-th number should equal the number of the friend who gave a gift to friend number i.

Sample Input 0

2 3 4 1

Sample Output 0

4 1 2 3 

Explanation 0

Ouput is

4 : because 1 received a gift from 4

1 : because 2 received a gift from 1

2 : because 3 received a gift from 2

3 : because 4 received a gift from 3

Source Code:

# include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {

int n,i,j;


int a[n+1];


scanf ("%d",&a[i]);







        printf("%d ",j);




return 0 ;

